Sunday, January 18, 2015

Welcome to my Blog!

     Hi everyone! Welcome to Breathing Life and Building Bridges Genealogy Blog!  Genealogy has always been a huge passion and interest of mine for as long as I can remember. I always enjoyed history growing up.  I was always thinking about where I came from and the history that came before me to make me who I am. Maybe this makes me an old soul because I am only 23 and not many people, especially my age, tend to care about these things. However, I feel they are of utmost importance. I am super excited to be starting this blog where you can come along with me in my journey of finding my ancestors and hopefully be able to connect with cousins today. I also hope to be able to give advice as I get more experience in my journey. 

     To start off my blog, I thought it would be a perfect day to do a Sentimental Sunday! 

     Yesterday, January 17th, was five years since the passing of my paternal grandfather. 

He was one of the greatest people I ever knew. Since his passing, I have learned so much about the hard but also great life that he had. I am so glad I still have my Grandma who can give me insight on his life, as I'm sure if I would have asked him personally it would have been difficult to discuss.

     Whenever I feel sad about my grandpa being gone or get flashbacks of the moment of his death when I was beside him, I always try to look at letters like this one and think of all the great memories I have with him. I am so blessed to have letters and cards like these. Even though the letters came from a horrible situation, I am so thankful because I don't know what I would do without them. I am so thankful for the 18 years I had with him.

So thank you grandpa for being the best father and grandfather - something you never had. You will always be my best friend. I hope heaven is more beautiful then we could ever imagine and if you're able to fish in heaven, I hope that is exactly what you are doing. xoxo Kharyn

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog so far! I too am a young aspiring genealogist and I love that you share the passion. I would love to keep up on your blog!
